Pre-K and Kindergarten


Our pre-K and Kindergarten classes focus on making reading and writing meaningful for each student to help foster their language development.

Lessons start with students recognizing their names and the names of their peers. We soon move on to creating family books that develop a sense of community and help students understand the connection between illustrations and words.

By the end of Kindergarten, we expect students to recognize all the letters of the alphabet, read and write short CVC words, and begin to compose simple sentences that begin with a capital letter and end with punctuation.


Math and science concepts in pre-K and Kindergarten are approached using hands-on projects and lessons. Students will begin to explore mathematical concepts, including counting, sorting, patterning, and comparing sets, while utilizing nature-based math manipulatives for hands-on mathematical exploration.

Science lessons are based on observation and inquiry into the natural world. Our farm provides a haven for natural encounters and immerses students in an environment that encourages exploration and problem-solving.


Social and emotional support in pre-K and Kindergarten are essential to student success. Support is provided by teaching students self-help skills and life skills, such as zipping their own coats or cleaning up classroom areas.

Students are taught emotional regulation and management strategies, including calm-down, tapping, and breathing techniques.

Students are encouraged to articulate their emotions effectively and to engage in assertive dialogues with peers to handle challenging social circumstances.