Our Curriculum
At Redbud Farm School, our curriculum model is built on three pillars: high academic standards, intentional environments, and supportive relationships. We firmly believe in Maslow’s theory that children's basic needs must be met before the learning process can begin. Therefore, we prioritize social and emotional development to ensure that students are ready to master high academic standards. This understanding of child development is at the core of our educational approach.
Each classroom is arranged to be not overly stimulating. We use neutral color palettes and intentional placement of furniture and soft materials to create a home-like, comfortable atmosphere. Tables are often used instead of desks to encourage collaboration among peers. Supportive student/teacher relationships and the school motto, “Mistakes help us Grow!” encourage students to take risks, problem-solve, and think critically through challenging academic content.
The curriculum is based on mastery of the Oklahoma Academic Standards for each grade. Students are assessed on mastery of these skills four times per year. In addition, students in grades 1-6 are assessed using iReady Diagnostics, a nationally normed assessment, three times per academic year in language and math development. Students are placed in cohort groups based on their iReady diagnostic results. This approach to small group learning and our small class sizes allow for more individualized and specialized instruction. We often observe high achievement, higher academic growth, and increased self-esteem when students are placed in groups according to ability level.