What are class times?
Morning drop-off begins at 8:30 am. School hours are from 8:45 am to 3:45 pm, Monday through Friday.
Club 1:9, before and after care is available from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm on school days. Full-day camps are available on fall and spring breaks.
How old does my child have to be to enroll?
Students must be at least four years old by September 1st to enroll in our pre-k program.
What curriculum do you use?
With such a specialized curriculum structure, we find it difficult to use one individual curriculum program that fits the needs of our students. Redbud teachers use a base of professionally developed programs for each learning area as a guide. However, our highly trained and experienced teachers carefully plan and modify each week’s curriculum to meet students’ needs. We ensure that lesson plans meet the Oklahoma Academic Standards and adhere to Redbud Farm School’s guidelines for outdoor education.
What extra-curricular activities do you offer?
All students participate in our animal education program, gardening, fine arts, and Bible classes during our daily Discovery Class. Additional extra-curricular opportunities are also available for students in 1st-6th grades including student council, Robotics Club, and archery. For a complete list of extracurricular opportunities and age limitations, please see our PROGRAMS page.
Do you provide meals?
Families are asked to provide a nutritious sack lunch and snack (if enrolled in Club 1:9) daily. Most days, when weather permits, students will eat lunch in one of our outdoor classrooms.
Do you have a storm shelter?
Yes! We have a safe room on campus to protect our students in severe weather conditions.
Do you accept students with special needs or who are on an IEP or ISP?
Because of the unique nature of the learning program at Redbud Farm School, we are not equipped to meet the needs of students with certain learning differences. Students with an IEP or ISP will be admitted on a case-by-case basis after an evaluation from the school. Redbud Farm School can make reasonable accommodations and modifications to a student’s learning plan, such as giving the student additional time to take a test or reading intervention. However, all students ae expected to adhere to strict behavior guidelines for the safety of the animals and the students at Redbud Farm School. We cannot admit students who we feel may disrupt the class or pose a safety risk to the animals or the students themselves. In addition, all students must be able to listen to and follow immediate directions and stay with their designated group to minimize the risk of injury in the farm setting.
Are part-time options available?
Redbud Farm School offers a five-day program that includes a traditional curriculum, hands-on learning opportunities, and projects.
We also offer E-STEM classes through THE STUDIO at Redbud Farm. These classes are available periodically throughout the school year and summer. Please see our Programs page for current offerings from THE STUDIO.
What is the size of each class?
Our maximum class size is 14 students in elementary and 12 students in pre-K; however, many classes are smaller. Lower ratios and class sizes allow us to ensure that every child gets the individualized attention that he or she needs.